Safari Tree’s tick control service keeps these nasty blood-suckers at bay. Ticks are similar to fleas as they also feed on the blood of mammals, such as dogs, cats and humans, but also on birds and reptiles. They are known for transmitting serious diseases to humans and animals, such as Lyme disease through their bites. As they are not discriminate on who they feed off of, as long as they are able to draw blood, ticks can be found almost anywhere. Tick control protects your family by keeping ticks from spreading.


Ticks like to seek safety in hidden locations in the home, such as crevices or gaps, as well as outside the home in the grass. They often move inside from attaching themselves to pets, people and even clothing. So, it is important that, you suspect you may have ticks in your yard to examine your pets and family closely and to wash any clothes that may contain ticks.

Ticks are opportunistic parasites that can be found almost anywhere. They don’t discriminate when it comes to choosing their hosts; as long as they can draw blood, they will latch onto any available opportunity. To protect your loved ones, it’s crucial to invest in professional tick control.

Removing ticks require care as you may be at risk for infection, ideally with forceps and/or tweezers. Crushing the tick may lead to the release of dangerous fluids, so take all necessary precautions before attempting to remove a tick.


If you are unsure that you have a tick problem, or if you see a tick on your pets or yourself, it is recommended that you contact a professional tick control service provider, such as Safari Tree, to come out and evaluate the situation and determine the best pest control treatment plan.


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